Trabalhar é tão bom!
Às vezes vejo pessoas enxendo o trabalho de elogios, falando q ele enobrece o cidadão, e patati patatá.
Veja então uma estatística q topei ontem, mostrando um compilado de pesquisas de como os estadunidenses vêem o trabalho deles (http://www NULL.fourhourworkweek
The Top 10 Stats To Know: You Are Not Alone
- 63% of all employees want to work less, up from 46% in 1992.
- 26% of adult Americans report being on the verge of a serious nervous breakdown.
- 40% of workers describe their office environment as
most like a real-life survivor program
- Only 14% of Americans take two weeks or more at a time for vacation. The average American therefore spends more time in the bathroom than on vacation.
- 61% of Americans check email while on vacation.
- 53% of employees would opt for a personal assistant rather than personal trainer.
- 62% of workers routinely end the day with work-related neck pain, 44% report strained eyes, 38% complain of hand pain, and 34% report difficulty in sleeping due to work-related stress.
- 88% of employees say they have a hard time juggling work and life.
- 70% of working fathers and working mothers report they don’t have enough time for their children.
In 2005, a psychiatrist at King’s College in London administered IQ tests to three groups: the first did nothing but perform the IQ test, the second was distracted by e-mail and ringing phones, and the third was stoned on marijuana (maconha). Not surprisingly, the first group did better than the other two by an average of 10 points. The e-mailers, on the other hands, did worse than the stoners by an average of 6 points.
E olha q é os trabalhadores do USA hein, onde as oportunidades são ilimitadas, os direitos são gigantescos, os salários astronômicos, e as empresas ficam desesperadas pra ir pra países subdesenvolvidos
onde os salários, a condição de trabalho e os direitos trabalhistas são menores. Se lá eles já pensam isso, imagina como deve ser "maravilhosa" a "vida profissional" do brasilero!
Agora, olha q interessante como empresas de sucesso funcionam...
What Happens When Employees Work Whenever and Wherever They Want?
By the end of 2007, all 4.000 staffers at Best Buy headquarters will be on ROWE (Results-Only Work Environment), which permits them to work whenever and wherever they want. So, what happens when smart companies realize that work isn't a place where you go, but something that you do? That performance should be based on output and not hours?
- Average Rise In Worker Productivity Since 2005: 35%
- Average Change in Voluntary Turnover (Quitting) Across Divisions: -72.3%
- Sun Microsystems Inc. calculates that it saves $300 million per year in real estate costs by allowing nearly 50% of employees to work anywhere they want.
If your company won’t wake up, you’ll just have to speed the process by firing their asses or outsmarting them.
Think about it
Popularity: 3%
- Best Buy
- brasilero
- direitos trabalhistas
- employee
- enobrece
- estadunidense
- estatística
- IQ test
- maconha
- marijuana
- neck pain
- nervous breakdown
- patati patatá
- pesquisa
- real estate
- Results-Only Work Environment
- salário
- stress
- subdesenvolvido
- Sun Microsystems Inc.
- trabalho
- vacation
- work less
- worker
- working fathers
- working mothers
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